Operacioni događaj: 2nd Annual International Meeting - LC Belgrade

Deadline: 10.02.2020

Operacioni događaj: 2nd Annual International Meeting - LC Belgrade

Deadline: 10.02.2020

Aktivan ste član na internacionalnom nivou i želite još više doprinijeti EESTEC zajednici? Druga edicija AIM-a (Annual International Meeting) je tu! LC Beograd će ugostiti upravo takve članove širom Evrope kako bi diskutovali o najvažnijim aktuelnim pitanjima/problemima/izazovima u EESTEC-u. Možda baš vi budete jedan od učesnika! Ovaj operacioni događaj biti će održan u periodu od 29. marta do 5. aprila ove godine, a prijave traju do 10. februara. 


#What: Call for participants of the 2nd AIM

#Organizers: The Board and LC Belgrade

#Dates of the event: 29.03.2020 - 5.04.2020

#Number of spots: up to 20

#Deadline to apply: 10.02.2020

#Application: send your application through the form and apply on eestec.net


Dear EESTECers,

The 2nd edition of the Annual International Meeting will be happening between the 29th of March and the 5th of April 2020 in the cooperation of LC Belgrade, who has already been working hard to prepare an amazing environment for this event.

To begin with, we would like to congratulate our facilitators for the motivation they showed in undertaking the preparation of the working sessions. They are:

Alexandros Michalopoulos, LC Athens

Evangelia Tsami, LC Patras

Marcos González Barastegui, LC Madrid

Milica Lazić, LC Belgrade

Mert Yerekapan, LC Istanbul

Purpose of the event

AIM stands for Annual International Meeting and the purpose of this event is to support the Board in strengthening EESTEC as well as directing the actions of our Association towards our aim. As during Congresses and other events there is not enough time to properly brainstorm on the current structure and situation in EESTEC, problems and possible solutions, AIM will revolve around those topics. Also, the collaboration on the international level and new ideas will be discussed.

The participants of the event will be the most active EESTECers who will be working all together through meetings and working sessions on important topics of EESTEC.

Why would I want to participate in AIM?

Participating in this event gives you the opportunity to exchange ideas and knowledge with the most experienced EESTECers. You will have a chance to affect the future of our Association and improve it.

During this event, the most active EESTECers will gather in order to share their ideas and experiences and create a safe environment in order to help future generations work more efficiently. We expect you to be actively involved in the whole event: to participate in the selection of topics of working sessions, to be engaged in the working sessions during the event and to help with the follow-up process of the event (work on documenting, transferring and implementing ideas created during AIM).

From experience…

Being a participant in this type of event will be a memorable experience. You can shape the future of our Association because our future will be based on the ideas and the guidelines which will be produced during this event. It will be you, who will write this future and it will be you, who will have the control of how impactful the outcomes of this event will be. That is why you have to give your best, so the result will be the best possible.

Application process

If you are up for the challenge and wish to contribute to the future of our team, fill the application form carefully and seriously, submit it through the form and apply through this link. The deadline for applications is the 10th of February 2020.

Selection process

The application form will be the main source of information about why you have to be there! Therefore, try to keep it as concrete as possible, follow the instructions, and mention the most relevant things for the event application.

In the selection process, some of the criteria will be:

-->experience in EESTEC (especially in International Teams and Projects) and understanding of all aspects of it,

-->availability for the whole period of preparations, as well as for the follow-up of the event,

-->motivation to contribute to EESTEC, also long term, and further plans in EESTEC,

-->diversity of participants.

If you have any questions feel free to write to board@eestec.net or aim-facilitators@eestec.net.

We are looking forward to seeing your applications!